Tag Archives: Virtual
Virtual Cities Are Rising
Cutting-edge 3D city models lead the way to better urban planning via digital simulation Take a peek at Helsinki’s virtual 3D city model and what might at first seem to be just rows of solid objects soon reveal themselves as handsome blocks of buildings that line gridiron streets. This is the digital doppelganger of Finland’s...
xyHt Weekly News Links: 6/12/2020
*Click here to visit xyHt’s Virtual Trade Show* Last Call for AEM Hall of Fame Nominations Lidar Finds Oldest and Largest Maya Monument What Lies Ahead for 3D City Modeling? Senators Want to Hear from FCC on Ligado Decision
xyHt Weekly News Links: 5/29/2020
*Click here to visit xyHt’s Virtual Trade Show* How you Build Automated CAD-GIS Workflows 5 Questions on the Synergy of BIM and GIS Commercial UAV Expo Europe 2020 Goes Virtual Integrating UAV-based Lidar and Photogrammetry ASPRS Geo Week Goes Virtual Chinese Surveyors Reach Everest Peak