Tag Archives: US Coast and Geodetic Survey

2022 Monumental Changes, Part 2
The U.S, National Geodetic Survey continues its examination of the impacts to passive geodetic control networks by the planned 2022 reference frame modernization. Editor’s note: A Field Notes article by Scott Martin posed the question, “Are HARNs on Death Row?” and Dru Smith began answering that in the December 29017 xyHt cover story. Here in...

Polar Motion Studies and NOAA’s Legacy of International Scientific Cooperation: Ukiah and Gaithersburg Latitude Observatories
Above image: A panoramic view of the Ukiah Observatory Park shortly before its dedication in April 2014. Credit: City of Ukiah archives. Editor’s note: Dana J. Caccamise II is the NGS regional geodetic advisor to California and Nevada. Dana has been instrumental in assisting the City of Ukiah with bringing their latitude observatory back to life to...