Tag Archives: UAVs

What I Saw at ILMF 2018
ILMF is an outstanding conference for all things lidar, including airborne, terrestrial, and underwater, as well as new remote-sensing and data-collection tools and technologies. I try to attend every year because it never gets old; there are plenty of new and exciting technologies, both on the exhibit floor and in the many workshops and presentations....

No Roads, No Problem
A unique drone (the WingtraOne) helps a team meet the environmental challenges of planning a wind farm in the Alps. At a lofty altitude of 2500m above sea level, 20 wind turbines 100m tall need to be built. These wind turbines will produce 60 GWh per year to power 15,000 households. The engineering challenge is...

Drone Coding: Fun, Future, and Fundamentals
For Surveying’s Next Generation Attracting the next generation of surveyors is a perennial topic in the geospatial profession. I’d like to suggest adding K-12 UAS coding programs to the list of outreach efforts. The sooner students become interested in the geospatial field, the greater the success of attracting them to the profession. It is widely...

How to Prepare for Oops in UAV Management
Insurance Coverage for UAVs in 2017 It’s inevitable. If you own a UAV, chances are that you will experience a (hopefully only minor, but potentially major) type of accident-related claim involving that UAV due to human or technical error or to weather. Having been a broker in the insurance industry for more than 30 years,...