Tag Archives: uas

Business Leader: Trimble’s Rob Miller Talks UAS

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) have hit the mainstream, or at the very least they’re poised to be ready for take-off when the FAA rules for commercial use are ready (possibly in 2015). For an insight from a supporting industry we interviewed Rob Miller, the product portfolio manager for Unmanned Systems at Trimble.PSM: Do you feel that...

UAS Takes Autism to the Sky

A mapping project helps kids with autism by coaching them to build and fly a UAS (and make movies with it); the project also reveals sound business practices stemming from this new technology. What was it that got you into the surveying and mapping profession?  Surveyors often state that it was an interest in math...

Feature: UAS and the FAA

What exactly is the current legal state of using UAS in the United States for surveyors versus hobbyists? What’s the big deal about the National Airspace System? What should surveyors do to prepare to use UAS? Few topics in the geospatial community are as fraught with misunderstanding and misinformation as the topic of unmanned aerial...

UAS Coalitions

Above: Hybrid multirotors such as the FireFly 6 are offering solutions to common problems, allowing automated takeoff and landing along with waypoint flight control. Credit: Jon Barnes, Bajora Media. What are they doing for the UAS industry?   Being an entrepreneur is a lot like being a surfer. You need a surfboard and access to...

Surrogate UAS

Above: Hart Drobish, president of Courtney Aviation, was a contractor to the forest service flying the air tactical control platforms on the Happy Camp Complex wildfire. Additionally, Drobish served as a ground liaison contact on the project, managing the flow of infrared and visual imagery from the aircraft to the end users. Combining UAV technology...

Legal UAS

Until the final FAA rules are in place for UAS incorporation in national airspace, the Section 333 exemption petition process is the only way to legally fly UAS for commercial applications in the United States. In late 2014, Government Accounting Office (GAO) stated, “The consensus of opinion is the integration of unmanned systems will likely...