Tag Archives: uas

Distinguishing Features

Inside the unique design of the Falcon 8 I must confess a little bit of UAS fatigue. Among the flood of new UAS, it takes a bit of research to find distinguishing features. It does make sense at one level that a basic form might evolve from so many parallel development efforts, but it makes...

UAS — Don’t Blink

The audible signature of drones is readily recognizable. With the flood of consumer drones, the distinctive whir of those little propellers fills our skies and thoughts. But there is another sound associated with drones and their commercial manifestation in the form of UAVs and UAS that might someday soon be cause for alarm: the “whoosh”...

xyHt News Links: 4/22/16

3D Robotics Announces Transformative New Software for the Solo Smart Drone Platform Topcon and RDO announce expansion to GNSS network service Trimble Announces Call for Speakers for its 2016 Dimensions User Conference Introduction of complete propulsion systems at Xponential 2016 Investigation launched over possible UAV/airplane collision Leica Geosystems launches smart antenna with superior performance DJI Unveils...

This image was taken by a UAS for vegetation inventory in wetlands in Wisconsin. Credit: Continental Mapping.

UAS Legislative Round-Up

What will 2016 mean for online commercial sUAS registration in the NAS? Online Registration Last year, registration for hobby/recreational sUAS went online. It was so simple I think it has confused people as to what the commercial registration process will look like. Because I have a recreational sUAS and am required to register it, I...

The RiCOPTER UAS with VUX-SYS lidar is the first integrated survey-grade laser scanner-UAS.

Shedding Light on Lidar

RIEGL USA’s CEO talks about the important trends in the lidar profession.  For an inside look at the lidar profession, Heights interviewed James Van Rens, CEO of RIEGL USA. RIEGL provides a wide range of lidar scanning solutions for the aerial mapping and surveying profession, as well as mobile and terrestrial scanning applications. Van Rens...

Construction site monitoring with UAS-derived aerial imagery.

Cutting through the Hype

A roadmap for leveraging UAS for aerial mapping practitioners in the United States. I often ask my clients if they’ve had a conversation in the last 24-48 hours where the use of drones has come up. Invariably, they chuckle a bit and answer, “Yes.” Virtually all professional conferences in the geospatial industry have numerous presentations...