Tag Archives: teledyne

xyHt News Links: 2/26/16
Vexcel Imaging GmbH – Ownership Change Trimble Adds Scalable GNSS Receiver to its Geospatial Portfolio RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems (Austria) and Aeroscout (Switzerland) are excited to announce a strategic partnership between companies Trimble Adds Scalable GNSS Receiver to its Geospatial Portfolio NEW RIEGL High-Speed Mobile Mapping Turnkey Systems Launched at ILMF 2016 Teledyne Optech Press...

From Shore to Floor
Today’s technology records depth from land to deep waters accurately and efficiently. More than 90% of the world’s trade is carried by sea, according to the International Maritime Organization. Therefore, accurate and up-to-date charts of coastal waters for ship navigation are vital for world commerce. The current expansion of the Panama Canal, which will double...