Tag Archives: Technology

Is It Really Impossible?

Looking Forward As the saying goes, it’s only impossible until it’s not. In the past when I’ve heard, or used, this bon mot I would think of the moon landing in 1969. I think of all the early astronomers who gazed at and intensely studied heavenly bodies, using them for navigation and location while knowing...

HAS Potential

Free and Global: The new high accuracy positioning service (HAS) of the Galileo constellation and its advantages for GIS and asset mapping If you consider field mapping applications, such as for GIS, asset inventory and management, and field operations for utilities, how wonderful would it be to have sub-foot positioning in real time, with no...

The Construction Automation Continuum

It’s more about many minor triumphs than major leaps. Surveyors can play an essential role in implementing these changes To those outside of the industry (and some within), the term “construction automation” evokes visions of bots and autonomous equipment plying construction sites—efficient and tireless—yet always on some far horizon. In present reality, construction automation takes...

Disruptive Lidar Tech

Technologies developed for autonomy and consumer applications are opening up new user segments and rewriting conventional workflows A construction inspector sweeps their phone over an open trench creating a 3D as-built of the utilities within. This is just one example of low-cost, rapid, simplified reality capture is challenging conventional wisdom on how reality capture should...

Derek Abernethy

23 Young Geospatial Professionals to Watch in 2023 – 10 of 23 Name: Derek AbernethyCompany: Trimble, Inc.Current position: Software product manager, vertical construction applicationsAge: 26                Education: BS in Engineering with honors, York University in Toronto, Ontario Abernethy’s work experience prior to entering the geospatial industry was in heavy civil and house construction where he...

Sounds Good

Using powerful simulation algorithms, this young and award-winning acoustics software startup from Iceland is making sound visible. No wonder it’s already creating a buzz in the BIM community. For Finnur Pind and Jesper Pedersen, success started inside a dark and windowless basement. Backed by a research grant in 2020 and a free room down in...