Tag Archives: surveying software

Position Available: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Surveying Engineering Technology

The School of Engineering Technology at the University of Maine invites applications for anacademic year, tenure track Assistant Professor of Surveying Engineering Technology. TheSurveying Engineering Technology program offers innovative in-person and online education atthe undergraduate and graduate levels to serve both traditional and non-traditional students. The successful applicant will develop and teach online and in-person...

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 06/04/2021

The Earth Archive Virtual Congress – Complimentary Registration ASPRS Announces Government Services Scholarship  Pix4D Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary  Virtual Surveyor Enhances Stockpile Reporting in Drone Surveying Software  CGA’s Fourth Annual Technology Report Details Vision for Ideal 2030 Excavation  CATALYST Collaborates with Amazon Web Services to Deliver Geospatial Insights   New Mapping Tool Helps Parks Plan for Climate...

Software Review: Topcon MAGNET v2.0

Topcon Positioning Group has recently released version 2.0 of its MAGNET system. For those readers who are not yet versed in the field-to-finish approach that is MAGNET, prepare to be excited. If the word “cloud” scares you, don’t worry: there is a vast misconception surrounding what the cloud really is, and I will explain some...