Tag Archives: surveying

Saving Alcatraz (Digitally)

The infamous island is under attack by climate change, rising sea levels, and old age. Can scanning it from the sky and on the ground preserve it? When the first functional photogrammetry uncrewed aviation vehicles (UAVs) became mainstream technology around 2013, geodesists and land surveyors around the world adopted these flying wonders as an innovative...

Alcatraz from Above and Below

Looking Forward When xyHt author Juan B. Plaza phoned me and said he had access to information and data generated from a recent geospatial project on Alcatraz Island and that he wanted to provide the magazine with a story, I thought, well, that’s pretty cool. In our February issue this year I had written a...

xyHt Digital Magazine: May 2024 Scanning

xyHt magazine’s May 2024  issue focuses on UAVs and their continued expansion in the geospatial fields.    As always, if you don’t have a subscription to our print edition, or if someone else in the office has snaffled your copy, don’t fret, here is the digital edition. Click here or on the cover to the right, to...

Surveying Business for Sale – Florida

Cypress Land Survey’s, Inc.             A well-established Land Survey Business in Central Florida with a solid reputation and loyal customer base. The Owner is looking to sell the business to someone to build on it’s success. In business since 1988 , a profitable business with significant opportunities for growth. Current employees ready to continue with...