Tag Archives: survey software

Raising the Confidence Level
A surveyor’s most important deliverable emerges from detailed analysis and quality control. Recently, my four-year-old son grabbed my tape measure and began taking measurements of our living room. I asked if he wanted to be a surveyor like his dad, and he confirmed with a smile on his face. I played a small joke on...
Business Angle: Hardware and Software Purchase Decisions
Hardware and software purchases are two of the largest expenses, outside of personnel, for surveying professionals. There was a time when a surveyor could purchase a high-quality instrument and expect to use it for a decade or more. When I was first sent out to perform field surveys, I (as the new guy) got the...
Software Review: Terrain Navigator Pro, Revisited
One of the most powerful productivity-boosting tools these days is probably that little machine right there in your pocket. Plenty gets written about how “mobile is taking over the world.” You’ve probably seen your smart phone changing the way you do your work, or maybe it has in ways you haven’t realized—and you could do...