Tag Archives: Spatial IT

3D and Geospatial Infrastructure
When I look ahead to the future of geospatial infrastructure and 3D, the words that come to mind are: more, faster, and … more! Humans are poor prognosticators when confronted with exponentially increasing or improving factors, and today we see an explosion of capability and content in the geospatial world that will lead to new...

GEO Business 2018: “Geocoolness” in the London Heat
Trends in geomatics tech and spatial IT at the UK’s premier annual geo conference and exhibition Editor’s Note: GEO Business is an annual conference held annually in London. xyHt’s Europe editor, Nick Duggan has been attending each year, chronicling trends in the geo industry. The event is growing into one of the premier geo events...

Melanie Abuel
GIS Manager, Manila Water Company, Inc. Philippines As the (very young) head of GIS development at Manila Water, Melanie Abuel leads a team that serves 6M people while managing the assets of 6000 km of pipes and 250 facilities. In addition to database and GIS mobile application development, her team works on UAV and lidar...

xyHt Magazine July 2017 Issue
Click here to view the July 2017 issue of xyHt magazine.

xyHt Magazine February 2017 Issue
Click here to view the February 2017 issue of xyHt magazine.

xyHt Magazine January 2017 Issue
Click here to view the January 2017 issue of xyHt magazine.