Tag Archives: Software

Autonomy Comes to UAVs
Trending tech has UAV software looking futuristic To a certain degree, autonomous operations are already baked into the current state of data collection (aka reality capture) software for UAVs. Pre-mission planning consists of using a map-based interface to highlight the area that needs to be mapped or inspected, the appropriate flight pattern and height (AGL)...

The Early Days of 3D Scanning: Part 14 & Final
Milestone advances since the early days got scanning to where it is now

Using QGIS in the Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS)
It’s easy to run a popular open-source geospatial suite on this hosted cloud platform: AWS. QGIS is a great piece of software, and I would really recommend you try it out if you are currently working with ArcGIS, MapInfo or any other piece of GIS software. However, if you don’t have admin rights on your...

Sponsored: Making Sustainable Growth – Attainable
Land Surveyors have always been at the forefront of technology, beginning with the first electronic distance meter, the HP 3800 in 1975, to today’s robotic stations. In the field, Land Surveying has enjoyed more technical progress than many other non-medical fields. Yet, in the office, survey plans and subdivision plans appear the same as if...

The Case for Software Training
Getting the most value from construction software means knowing how to thoroughly use it. Gone are the days in the construction industry when a smart owner/operator and his backhoe could handle most projects. Back then, measurements were close approximations, and quality was achieved through the skills and experience of the hired contractor. Today, contractors and...

The Future of Office Software
Cloud-based computing offers advantages in speed and cost, and desktop software is adapting to leverage the benefits. It seems like just yesterday we had dial-up internet connections using 56k modems. It is amazing to observe how technology has evolved and how much our lives depend on being connected. That evolution is driving fundamental changes for...