Tag Archives: Smart City

Digitizing for the Future
Street-level imagery and GIS technologies are turning Philadelphia into one smart city Major metropolises are racing to get ahead of technology that could bring driverless cars and delivery drones to their streets and skies. In Philadelphia, investments in new software and services are already paying dividends in other ways for many of its 1.6 million...

Unity Reveals Reflect
Reflect by Unity is like … the gamification of BIM? Imagine you get an email message that reads, “We’re reviewing the Alderson building model. See you in 10 mins?” Seeing this, you take a large slurp of hazelnut latte and put on your VR goggles and hand grips. Suddenly, you are transported (digitally) inside a...

Do Your Work Right (and You Can Be ‘Smart’ Too)
Ever since I saw the phrase “smart city,” I have cringed. Not because of the term but because of what it alludes to. To me it says that we (geospatial experts) haven’t done our work right. Let me explain. From Wikipedia: “A smart city is an urban development vision to integrate multiple information and communication technology...