Tag Archives: Section 333

Pangaea Looks Back at 2016
Undoubtedly, for me the most notable event of 2016 (in the geospatial world) was the FAA’s Rule 107 allowing sUAS to be used in the NAS for commercial work. No more Section 333 exemptions. (Well, for merely flying, anyway; if you want to go beyond the restrictions of 107, you’ll still need to file for...

Your sUAS Un-checklist
We’re all familiar with the concept of checklists: handy organizational tools for getting things done. As business persons, you should also be familiar with the concept of “barriers to entry”: the greater the obstacles, the more difficult it is for a business to enter a market, and vice versa. And unless you’ve beaten Elon Musk...

How FAA Exemptions Work for Commercial Operation of sUAS
How They Work for Commercial Operation of sUAS On February 15, 2015, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which proposes to enact part 107 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Specifically, the rulemaking proposes operating requirements to allow small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) to operate for non-hobby or non-recreational purposes....