Tag Archives: safety

Safety First
If you look at a list of the most dangerous jobs in America, you won’t see surveyor listed in the top 25, but I believe that is because most of us only spend a small percentage of our time working along the highway or on a construction site. As many can attest, those situations are...

xyHt Weekly News Links: 12/04/2020
Jack Hild Inducted into GEOINT Hall of Fame BlackSky Names Uyen Dinh VP for Government Relations AEM Announces Advocates Program Award Winners Assessing Reef Island Sensitivity with Lidar-Derived Morphometric Indicators Autodesk BIM 360 Improves Construction Productivity and Safety Revolutionizing Powerline Inspection with AI

Surveying & Safety
Above image: A surveying job made comfortable: Measuring a steep terrain from a safe ground location in the treacherous mountains of beautiful northern British Columbia, Canada. The importance of protecting our lifestyle. In this article, for the sake of brevity the concepts of occupational health and safety are referred to by the word “safety.” The...