Tag Archives: RFID
RFID Crazy
Above image: A Berntsen RFID reader is being used in conjunction with a smart phone. RFID-enabled infrastructure marking could become a cornerstone for a connected infrastructure management world. Imagine if all public works engineers and utility company crew chiefs were equipped with a mobile device that could easily and accurately identify every piece of infrastructure...

Indoor Positioning
The next frontier in personal navigation poses both limits and promise. Imagine that you’re disembarking from an airplane at Chicago O’Hare airport. You have a connection to Seattle for an important customer meeting. Your smartphone begins to buzz; you’re informed that your connecting flight is pre-boarding. But you’re not worried. Your smartphone provides indoor directions...

Above: RFID tags take many forms. The inside of a tag shown above—designed to attach to metal infrastructure in harsh environments, such as water pipes and valves—has a thin copper “bow-tie” antenna with a minuscule chip in the middle. It’s shown contrasted with a grain of rice. An electronic handshake has brought together the worlds...