Tag Archives: QGIS
![using the QGIS vector tools](/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/OS3D2-272x192.png)
Further Adventures with 3D GIS
Last year I posted about this awesome plugin called “QGIS2Threejs” [here] and how it was possible to quickly render 3D visualisations for free using the open source GIS, QGIS. At the time I fudged some wind turbines as it was impossible to import models. Furthermore, I avoided too much detail as any imagery would look...
Top 5 Things to Do When You Install a New GIS Software
So, you’ve just downloaded the new QGIS release, latest ArcGIS, or maybe you are completely new to GIS and wondering how to even get started with this behemoth eating up your (or your employer’s) disk space. Having done this MANY times over the last 15 years of working with geospatial software, I’ve noticed that there...
![Coord 5](/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/coord5-272x192.png)
Dynamic Text with QGIS Layouts
It’s not until you need it that you realize how much you miss it: such is the case with the Esri ArcGIS dynamic text functionality. On the surface it seemed easy to put a little reference into a text box, and then every time I opened a template or new map it would automatically show...
Incomes Move Across Sydney
Between 2006 and 2011 a little fewer than 400,000 households (around a quarter of the total) moved at least once within the Sydney metropolitan area. While this figure is an under-count of total moves (many households may have moved more than once, and those moving into the city from elsewhere are not presented), mapping this...
Using Google Earth to Make 3D Models
No, I haven’t gone crazy; in fact quite the opposite. I was sent a visualisation of a wind farm from a company this week, and the back of my mind was niggling at me, telling me that I could do better at little or no cost. My first few attempts were involving QGIS2Threejs (QGIS 3D...
Okay, so I’m likely to get lynched, but before all the lovers/haters come out of the woodwork I’d like to remind everyone that these two systems are both great achievements. We are looking at two software systems that have changed the way we look at the world and the way we think about the world...