Tag Archives: outlook

Outlook 2021
Our recent December 2020 / January 2021 issue features a special pull-out section for “Outlook 2021”. You can click here to view it!

Outlook 2020
Click on the cover below to view the Outlook 2020 print issue. Articles in the issue include (links will turn live throughout January): Forecasts in Geospatial Technologies and Applications: Positively Surveying Trends in Terrestrial Laser Scanning 3D and Geospatial Infrastructure GNSS: Triple-frequency Constellations The Reality of Digital Construction UAVs Beyond Visual Line of Sight Mapping...

Outlook 2020: 40 under 40 Geospatial Leaders
Join xyHt in Celebrating Young Leadership in Geospatial Professions, Industries, and Sciences Who are the current young geo-leaders internationally? And where are they making a difference? Read the 2019 xyHt 40 under 40 profiles here. Send your nominations to 40under40@xyht.com before September 1, 2017. A maxim goes, “We teach children their future, and not our...

xyHt Magazine Outlook 2019 Issue
Click on the cover below to view the Outlook 2019 issue of xyHt magazine. Articles in the issue include (links will turn live throughout January and February): Coaching Robots – Continuous surveying (to support smart cities, infrastructure, geodesign, and construction) is opening expanded—but unconventional—roles for surveyors and geospatial practitioners. Gabriela Olekszyk – Surveyor & GIS Analyst, Woods Auckland,...

A Surveyor Looks at 40
Ask questions, seek advice, be a mentor, and set a great example as a leader in our profession. After 20 or so years in the land surveying industry, I find myself smack dab in the middle of my lifelong career as a surveyor. I’m no longer floundering at the beginning, searching for my way, and...

Taisha Waeny
Project Manager, Esri, in Australia and New Zealand We received multiple nominations for this dynamic geospatial professional from three continents. Taisha Waeny has become one of the most-recognized voices for the international community of Esri CityEngine users and the broader geospatial community, as well. Taisha encourages young people to enter the geomatics profession by pointing...