Tag Archives: ocean

How Our Continent Drains

Robert Szucs is a digital cartographer turned artist who saw the potential to turn nature’s patterns into contemporary artwork. This ocean drainage map was a months-long project, that included “a ton of manual work,” including cleaning data, figuring out how to categorize millions of lines into a handful of ocean drainages, and then zooming in...

Looking Forward: The Ocean

I have been fascinated by the ocean since my parents first planted me on a beach towel along the sandy expanse of the Atlantic Ocean when I was barely old enough to care. Like fire, the ocean is always the same but somehow is constantly changing. It has a mesmerizing quality of ever-flowing motion and...

The Ocean Mapping Imperative

Wind and solar-powered uncrewed surface vehicles offer a boost to global surveying efforts. Since 2017, the Seabed 2030 initiative has raised awareness about the importance of mapping the entire seafloor to support a healthy and resilient ocean for the well-being of the entire planet. This partnership between the Nippon Foundation, the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO),...

Staying Fluid: The Ocean Decade 

More than 23 percent of the ocean seabed is now mapped  Seabed 2030 is a partnership between the Nippon Foundation and the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) and aims to map the entire planet’s seabed by 2030. To date, the project has mapped around 23.4 percent of the seabed. The latest data was...

Mapping the Surface of the Ocean?

It is crucial that we keep accurate maps of the ocean’s shorelines, but when my company got a request to map the ocean’s surface 50 miles out in the Gulf of Mexico, my initial reaction was: Why? Isn’t the ocean just the ocean that far out? There aren’t any geographic features or elevation changes. It’s...