Tag Archives: NPRM for Remote ID

The Cost of Compliance: FAA’s NPRM Remote ID: Part Two
Due to a scheduling issue, the January 21st issue of Pangaea (including part one of this series) was published only online. Here’s the link to part one. In part one of this series, we looked at the basics of the FAA’s Remote ID (RID) plan as outlined in its notice of proposed rule-making (NPRM). Now...

The FAA’s NPRM for Remote ID: Part One, the Basics
We’ve got a lot of material to cover on these important rules, so let’s jump right in. Remote identification (RID) is the FAA’s “license plate in the sky” for UAS that, once implemented, will pave the way for a host of advanced unmanned capabilities: beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS), operations over people (OOP), night-time...