Tag Archives: mobile

Lidar and Surveying: Infrastructure Relies on Surveys
Mobile lidar platform provides engineering firm with data sets for multiple deliverables In the past, project teams couldn’t get high-quality, actionable data quickly when performing surveys—there was always a trade-off between time and quality. However, advances in mobile lidar technology are significantly reducing the time it takes to collect data while still meeting strict accuracy...

Everything you ever wanted to know about Mobile Mapping
Explaining the tools and technology behind mobile mapping devices for experienced laser scanning professionals looking to make the jump to this new technology. In its short life, the market for 3D as-built documentation technology has seen considerable innovation. Among the myriad new tools to hit this market, nothing has changed the way we capture buildings...

xyHt News Links: 1/1/16
Acquisitions of location-based services Aruba debuts cloud-based beacon management mobile solution

Mapping Peripheral
A review of Trimble’s R1, a GNSS Bluetooth peripheral for mobile devices, with multiple options for correction sources. The idea of a GNSS “puck” has broad appeal: a peripheral GNSS receiver to precision-enable mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets, and a variety of purpose-built field-data-collection devices. There is a lot of functional territory between...