Tag Archives: Maptime

Maptime – Grassroots Geo-learning
From beginners to experts: #maptime chapters worldwide provide opportunities for cartographers, mappers, geospatial practitioners—and anyone with an interest in maps—to learn from each other. The concept and impetus behind #maptime are very simple: people who create (or have an affinity for) maps and mapping getting together to share common interests, tips, tricks, and techniques. If...

First Ever Maptime Summit
By Katie Kowalsky @katiekowalsky www.katiekowalsky.me It’s been over two years since the State of the Map US 2013, where Maptime was born. As of the first official Maptime in San Francisco at the time of the Maptime Summit (Monday June 8th), we now have 60 chapters spread over five continents. That growth, all from volunteers...

A new source of support for mapmakers is spreading internationally. With so many sectors and niches, the spatial/IT industry was falling into silos. Then, seemingly from out of nowhere groups started appearing, first in the United States and then in Europe, under the label “Maptime,” in a similar fashion to the hackathons a decade ago. ...

Maptime – A [UK] user experience
A year ago if you had said “Maptime” to me, I would have thought you were mad. I have now been to three “Maptime” events, and I want to share my experience, as you may be sitting there perplexed as to what you would gain from it. Maptime is increasing in popularity. Before Christmas [2014]...