Tag Archives: mapping

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 12/23/2022
Worldwide Demand for Drone Services Anticipated to Reach $25 billion by 2033 USGS Recognizes Sanborn Expertise in AI/ML for Natural Resource Mapping Asia’s Leading Geospatial Event Returns to Singapore March 15-16 Airbus Hits Milestone on European Satellite-based Navigation Augmentation System Market for Commercial Earth Observation Data to Reach $7.9 Billion by 2031 Satellite Demand to...

Recording Earth’s Changes
Looking Forward What could you do if the entire world was remapped every 12 days? How would that impact your sector of the geospatial world? I pose the question because it is in the process of being answered, though not necessarily from the geospatial professionals’ point of view. So, it is important that we all...

Sky High
UAVs deliver practical and highly technical mobile mapping Collecting imagery with uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) is ideal for a variety of applications including topographic mapping, forestry ground and canopy measurements, powerline corridor mapping, Digital Terrain Model (DTM) generation, high-resolution digital imagery, and orthophoto production, along with support for a variety of other mapping needs. Historically,...

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 10/28/22
INTERGEO Celebrates a Successful Comeback Fathom launches new Global Flood Map Innoviz and Kudan Team Up for Lidar-Based Geospatial Mapping Solution Across Industries Cartegraph and Center for Digital Government Share Results of Infrastructure Funding and Technology Survey Leica AP20 AutoPole wins Wichmann Innovations Award at INTERGEO 2022 New Lidar Solution Delivers Survey-Grade Data from UAV...

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 10/21/2022
Teledyne Announces Ladybug6 Cameras for High Accuracy 360-Degree Spherical Image Capture Hexagon and LocLab Work to Accelerate Adoption of Smart Digital Realities Vexcel Imaging Introduces UltraCam Eagle 4.1 Photogrammetric Aerial Camera System Phase One to Launch New Calibration Center at Denver Headquarters Soaring Eagle Technologies Receives Long Distance FAA Waiver for UAS Inspections Common Ground Alliance...

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 10/14/2022
New NSRS Modernization Release Timeline: Mid-2025 Geo Week Calls for Nominations for Excellence in the Geospatial Industry Trimble Changes Headquarters to Westminster, Colorado Mapping Site ShowMyMap.com Rebrands to Mapize.com DOE Announces First Cohort of Post-Secondary Programs to Receive New Zero Energy Design Designation Ashley Hitt to Serve as President of URISA SmartGeo Expo 2022 to...