Tag Archives: Mapbox

Creating a Web Map Using Mapbox

This blog is born out of pure frustration and my competitive nature. When I was looking at web mapping libraries, I looked at Mapbox and thought, “That will be easy.” Three days later I was pulling my hair out—then the next day I was smiling and happy. You see, Mapbox is similar to Leaflet in...


Mapbox cARTography

Over the last few months I’ve just had to get my hands dirty again with Mapbox. For those who don’t know what Mapbox is, let me introduce it. Mapbox is a platform for location-based data. It allows you to host your data with them so that you can stream it into your web maps, and...

The Gamification of the Geospatial Industry

Why Is It Important? With huge, sprawling maps and realistic cities now appearing in our video games, it begs the question as to how these amazing cities render so quickly, yet we geospatial experts still sit waiting for 10 minutes for our software to open. For example, the notorious Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (pictured...