Tag Archives: lidar

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 03/03/2023

Bentley Systems Announces Retirement of Founder Keith Bentley First Autonomous Agricultural Drones Launched in Thailand Improved Location Accuracy Enables Hydraulic Modeling Drones in Vineyards Make Wine Growing Safer and Easier 17th Utility Investigation School Offered in May GeoComm Receives Patent for Translating Raw Geodetic Locations into Dispatchable Locations CGA Announces Industry Challenge to Cut Damages...

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 02/24/2023

2023 NSPS Day on the Hill FIG Working Week in Orlando Registration URISA Exemplary Systems in Government Awards Open NV5 to Support Statewide Imagery for Kentucky Geo Business 2023 Registration Open Three Innovative Solutions Selected in “Pitch the Press” at Geo Week 2023 Commercial UAV Expo Call for Presenters EagleView Revolutionizes Asset Management with AI-Based...

Disruptive Lidar Tech

Technologies developed for autonomy and consumer applications are opening up new user segments and rewriting conventional workflows A construction inspector sweeps their phone over an open trench creating a 3D as-built of the utilities within. This is just one example of low-cost, rapid, simplified reality capture is challenging conventional wisdom on how reality capture should...

Seth Gulich

23 Young Geospatial Professionals to Watch in 2023 – 20 of 23 Name: Seth GulichCompany: Bowman               Current position: UAS Program ManagerAge: 28               Education: BS in Surveying Engineering, Penn State University Gulich is a young professional with more than eight years of surveying and geospatial experience in the AEC industry. He is a licensed professional surveyor and...

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 01/06/2023

  ComNav Introduces Rod-less GNSS Receiver for Surveying 9 Trends to Watch in 2023: 3D, AEC and Geospatial Innovations Hexagon Adds Speed, Scalability and Automation to Digital Twin Creation with Acquisition of LocLab Geo Business 2023 is Looking for Speakers Geospatial World Forum 2023: Embracing One and All Innoviz and Kudan Partner for Lidar-Based Geospatial...

Malek Singer

23 Young Geospatial Professionals to Watch in 2023 – 2 of 23 Name: Malek SingerCompany: Teledyne Geospatial (Optech & Caris)Current Position: Product Manager, AirborneAge: 27 Education: BS Geomatics, Carleton University Biography: Singer is passionate about challenging traditional development roadmaps which have historically focused on “delivering more data. He has expanded Teledyne’s roadmap towards products that...