Tag Archives: lidar

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 06/18/2021
Teledyne Launches New Bathymetric Lidar Solution Riegl Airborne Laser Scanner is a Leap Forward New Lidar System Delivers Long-Range Capability Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Adopts GIS Software for Risk Analysis Robotic-based Solutions Enhance Curb and Gutter Paving Performance Toshiba Looks to Expand Solid-State LiDAR to Infrastructure Monitoring URISA Announces 2021 University Student and Young...

Damming Evidence – Using Lidar Models to Characterize Dam Sites
Dams are some of America’s biggest and potentially most dangerous civil engineering projects, so engineers need highly accurate models of these structures for testing.

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 04/02/2021
To Russia, and Back NV5 Acquires Geodynamics; Expands Deep-Water Capabilities CHC Navigation Introduces AlphaAir Lidar System Drone Company AgEagle had Record Year in 2020 SAM Acquires R&S Digital Services Bad Elf, Point One Provide Polaris GNSS Corrections for Bad Elf Flex

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 03/26/2021
Teledyne to Acquire FLIR Systems Drone Sets Endurance and Distance Record Can Lidar Improve Pedestrian Safety? Esri Recognizes Partners for Innovation and Excellence MapBusinessOnline Tracks USA’s COVID-19 Vaccination Progress Lidar and Smart Devices Can Help Find Victims of Natural Disaster Phase One Camera Designed for Infrastructure Inspection Global Surveyors Day 2021

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 03/19/2021
Extensis Offers GeoViewer Pro at No Charge Esri Joins Digital Twin Consortium DroneUp Acquires Web Teks Insight Lidar Updates High Resolution FMCW Lidar Sensor Bad Elf, ProStar Partner in Surface and Subsurface Technology NSPS will Host ‘Virtual Day on the Hill’ Don’t Forget Global Surveyor’s Day March 23 USGIF and the Geospatial Intelligence Tradecraft

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 03/05/2021
Tensing Recognized as Esri Utility Network Specialist Forum Will Explore the Geospatial Metaverse USGIF Board of Directors Appoints New Chair Concept3D Helps Struggling Tourism Industry Lidar Improves Port Efficiency Sanborn, USGS Partner on Arizona Lidar Project Global Surveyors’ Day is March 23 Woolpert Acquires CivilTech Engineering in Expansion