Tag Archives: IT

The Complex Issue of AI and GIS
Part 1 We attended remotely the ESRI User’s Conference (UC) held in San Diego on July 10th and, for the first time, saw and heard how the leading commercial GIS software company in the world positioned itself for the use of AI in its products. It is reasonable to assume that AI can make GIS...

The Flow of Information
Looking Forward I remember years ago in the dial-up days of the Internet how all the IT people were talking about the coming “information superhighway” that would change life as we know it. And, as much as simple minds like mine couldn’t fathom it, they were right. Information came at us like a Porsche convoy...

Supporting Free and Open-Source Software
Free and open-source software (FOSS) is sweeping across the IT industry, everywhere from office programs (LibreOffice) to GIS software (QGIS, R, Python). It is also being used extensively by large companies such as Microsoft, IBM, Amazon, and Netflix for their internal services as well as being used as building blocks to offer services to clients. ...