Tag Archives: HARN

2022 Monumental Changes, Part 2
The U.S, National Geodetic Survey continues its examination of the impacts to passive geodetic control networks by the planned 2022 reference frame modernization. Editor’s note: A Field Notes article by Scott Martin posed the question, “Are HARNs on Death Row?” and Dru Smith began answering that in the December 29017 xyHt cover story. Here in...

The Modernized NSRS (A Summary)
Editor’s Note (from Scott Martin): When I learned that NGS and Dru Smith (the NSRS modernization manager for the NGS) had requested to respond to my August Field Notes, I was quite intimidated. However, my fears were quickly quelled. Thank you, Dr. Smith! As mentioned below, a more extensive and informative response on the monumental...

Are HARNs on Death Row?
In the late 1980s, the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) launched a program, in cooperation with State partners, to establish a High Accuracy Reference Network (HARN) across the United States. HARN’s History With the rapidly increasing availability and use of GPS equipment, NGS recognized the need to establish a network of high-accuracy, passive survey monuments with...