Tag Archives: gnss

The Advantages of “Built Here”

There are reasons other than policy and security to consider domestically produced drones.  Yes, when it comes to the drone market there is an almost “default” choice. Having established dominance, it further benefits from price by volume. And then they can invest more in R&D from the increased profits—if they choose to and do not...

The Cahokia Mounds

The largest single-instrument geophysical survey ever in America hopes to uncover some of the mysteries of the Cahokia Mounds Long, long before any of our great Mississippi River cities, and long before Europeans landed on New World shores and pushed westward, Native Americans were thriving in an urban center so big and so complex it...

Sustainable Rainwater Treatment for the Future

How machine-control solutions are increasing efficiencies on ground-breaking projects by up to 60 percent The seaside town of Køge lies just forty minutes south of Copenhagen in Denmark. A rapidly expanding area, new housing projects and transport infrastructure are an immediate priority for residents and local authorities.But, for a town located just three meters above...

The Construction Automation Continuum

It’s more about many minor triumphs than major leaps. Surveyors can play an essential role in implementing these changes To those outside of the industry (and some within), the term “construction automation” evokes visions of bots and autonomous equipment plying construction sites—efficient and tireless—yet always on some far horizon. In present reality, construction automation takes...

Built for Danger

While the operator stays safe, indoor drones carrying lidar and SLAM technology create a 3D map of the inside of hazardous spaces Nuclear power plants, ballast tanks, underground mines, toxic chemical plants, sewers, offshore oil storage, decommissioned industrial facilities—none of these are places suitable for humans; yet monitoring and inspection of the interiors are often...

Disruptive Lidar Tech

Technologies developed for autonomy and consumer applications are opening up new user segments and rewriting conventional workflows A construction inspector sweeps their phone over an open trench creating a 3D as-built of the utilities within. This is just one example of low-cost, rapid, simplified reality capture is challenging conventional wisdom on how reality capture should...