Tag Archives: GIS


Why 3D GIS Is the Future

“The world we live in is a three-dimensional world, so why do we map it and analyse it in just two dimensions?” —Dragons8mycat, 2013 In the last five years, we, the GIS industry, have made some fantastic advances. So, why is it that we are so slow with the adoption of using 3D data? Surveyors...

Isle of Wight Attractions

Why Your Maps Should Get in Touch with Their Feminine Side

Google does it, Apple does it, but do your maps use landmarks to improve users’ familiarity? More to the point, why aren’t popular landmarks a standard GIS dataset? For more than 10 years now we’ve known that the majority of the population use spatial recognition to navigate. When I say “majority.” I mean women and...

Top 5 Things to Do When You Install a New GIS Software

So, you’ve just downloaded the new QGIS release, latest ArcGIS, or maybe you are completely new to GIS and wondering how to even get started with this behemoth eating up your (or your employer’s) disk space.  Having done this MANY times over the last 15 years of working with geospatial software, I’ve noticed that there...

Maptime Summit Group

First Ever Maptime Summit

By Katie Kowalsky   @katiekowalsky  www.katiekowalsky.me It’s been over two years since the State of the Map US 2013, where Maptime was born. As of the first official Maptime in San Francisco at the time of the  Maptime Summit (Monday June 8th), we now have 60 chapters spread over five continents. That growth, all from volunteers...

The new standards are independent of map scale or contour interval and provide a way to deal with lidar data.

Comparing Maps a New Way

Above: The new standards are independent of map scale or contour interval and provide a way to deal with lidar data. ASPRS releases new positional accuracy standards. The positional accuracy of geospatial technologies has improved dramatically in the past few decades, and digital maps have replaced paper maps, making old ways of comparing maps obsolete. Satellite...

Treasure Map

Should We Be Reading Maps or Moving Forward?

There has been a lot of press recently about an announcement from the Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN) declaring that “Society is being sedated by software,” and it would appear that most of the media have jumped on board, like the BBC, The Guardian, even the Western Morning News. I have to agree with them...