Tag Archives: GIS Day

GIS Day 2020
Do you have “Open University” days where you are? Here in Southampton, in the United Kingdom, every March each university opens its doors to the public. Students, staff and spouses have stands around the university where they do demonstrations or share their science subjects. Most of this is hands-on and each is a great day...

What Is PostGIS Day?
For the last 20 years, we have celebrated GIS day along with Esri. It is a great opportunity to get people who haven’t used GIS or mapping before in your office to have a look at what you do and maybe share a map cake (Note: It is traditional for GIS professionals to make a...

From the Coordinated Campus In a rapidly changing field such as geotechnologies, education is an ongoing concern and rightly so: if we are not lifelong learners, we won’t last long in this industry. But I contend that we as geospatial professionals also need to be aware of and provide leadership in larger geospatial education trends...