Tag Archives: geospatial

Ocean Business 2019

With preliminary surveys already starting around the coast of the UK for another round of wind farms being built, the offshore industry descended on the National Oceanographic Centre in Southampton, UK for the bi-annual event, Ocean Business, centered around the offshore survey industry. Luckily, my home is a walk away from the event, so I was more than happy...

Creating Album Covers with GIS—or Drawing Elevation as Vector Lines

In July 2014, a developer and neocartographer from Scotland created the “Joy Divionesque 3D Map.” This began a four-year onslaught of maps that replicate the style of the iconic Joy Division album cover, “Unknown Pleasures.” How does it work? Essentially the elevation is taken from an underlying terrain or digital surface map as points, which...

In The News: A Geospatial Year at Woolpert 2017-2018

Woolpert has been in business for 107 years, building a strong, broad-based foundation through engineering, surveying, mapping, photogrammetry, lidar collection, GIS, etc., to provide the most comprehensive geospatial support in the industry. In the past year alone our work in each of these sites, represented by these red dots, were spotlighted in the press. They...

Arc GISPro Orth Imagery

Using Ortho Imagery (Digital Aerial) in ArcGIS Pro

The new version of Esri’s ArcGIS Pro software offers the capability to use stereo imagery, something of great use to those looking to digitize and use 3D vector data. To this end, I thought I would try bringing in some stereo aerial data to see how the process works within ArcGIS Pro. Vague Knowledge At...

New EOS Platform Lets You Run Image Processing Tasks Online

Sponsored Content by EOS Data Analytics   Most of your image analysis tasks that required ENVI or Erdas Imagine software are now available online thanks to EOS Platform. This new game-changing cloud service launched by EOS Data Analytics provides GIS professionals with a one-stop solution for search, analysis, storing, and visualization of large amounts of...

NDU London Test

Esri CityEngine: What Is It?

These past few weeks I’ve been trying to do some clever augmented reality stuff with Unity involving putting an object on the floor and ensuring it doesn’t wobble when you walk around it. (Yay for SLAM in mobile devices.) Although in software like Unreal and Unity you can download or buy models, what do you...