Tag Archives: geography

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 04/08/2022
FIG Congress 2022 in Warsaw: Registration Now Open Gold Shovel Association to Become Part of Common Ground Alliance 3,500 Attend Amsterdam Drone Week URISA Accepting Nominations for the GIS Hall of Fame Australian Firms Deliver High-Resolution Hyperspectral Earth Observation Microsatellites CoreLogic and EagleView Enhance Claims Processing Automation Quanergy 3D Lidar Flow Management Solution Deployed to...

An Awkward Angle
It’s a question that has bothered me since grade school geography. Why does Minnesota have that little protrusion popping out of its northern border? It’s like the state is wearing one of those little red clown hats held on by an elastic strap. I’m several decades past grade schools, but the other afternoon I was...

40 Under 40, 2017: Marc M. Delgado
GEOGRAPHY PROFESSOR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ASUNCION PARAGUAY A VISITING PROFESSOR in the Faculty of Engineering of the Nacional University of Asuncion, Paraguay, Marc M. Delgado teaches GIS applications in land use planning and urban studies, as well as geodatabase design. Marc completed his PhD (summa cum laude) and MS (magna cum laude) at the...

An Interview with Ken Jennings
An Interview with Ken Jennings: Speaker, Author, Geographer