Tag Archives: future

Drones in School
STEM education is preparing the next generation of workers for exciting careers in technology-related fields.

Surveyor’s Corner: Next Generation
Putting the Future of Surveying In the Next Generation’s Hands For more than 20 years, the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) has organized a student competition in conjunction with its spring business meetings in Washington, D.C. Now organized by the Young Surveyors Network (YSN) of the NSPS, the competition hosts higher-education land surveying student...

Looking Forward: Trying to Predict 2023
Over the course of my decades of participating in the world economy, I have found it useful to not pay too much attention to prognosticators, the so-called (and often self-called) experts. I have come to realize that these folks are about as accurate at forecasting the long-term economy as the weather folks are of forecasting...

Autonomy Comes to UAVs
Trending tech has UAV software looking futuristic To a certain degree, autonomous operations are already baked into the current state of data collection (aka reality capture) software for UAVs. Pre-mission planning consists of using a map-based interface to highlight the area that needs to be mapped or inspected, the appropriate flight pattern and height (AGL)...