Tag Archives: Field Notes

Dangerous Dargan and an Old Indian Deed

Sponsored by Xponential With apologies to both the residents of southern Washington County, Maryland, and to the Native Americans; this title reflects an old, somewhat derogatory term for an area, and the title of a sign placed by the Maryland State Roads Commission in that same area. As I was driving along Harper’s Ferry Road...

Surveyor or Engineer – What’s the Difference?

Sponsored by Geomax’ X-Pad Field software designed for today’s surveyors.  There have been many instances during my long career as a surveyor that someone has referred to me as an engineer. I would usually feign an attitude of being insulted and explain that even though I had to work with those guys, I was not...

Field Notes: How far should one go?

When surveyors are searching for a corner monument, a deed, or an unrecorded plat, they are always asking themselves, “How far should I go to find this?” These searches always raise a conundrum, because, as the theory goes, not finding something does not prove that it does not exist, but only by finding something can...

A Story About an Orchard

It’s a normal progression in the career of a surveyor to move into personnel management, as one becomes more experienced and gets promoted to a management position, or as they operate their own private practice. One of the first and most obvious problems is that not all good surveyors are good at managing people. Give...