Tag Archives: engineer

Position Available: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Surveying Engineering Technology

The School of Engineering Technology at the University of Maine invites applications for anacademic year, tenure track Assistant Professor of Surveying Engineering Technology. TheSurveying Engineering Technology program offers innovative in-person and online education atthe undergraduate and graduate levels to serve both traditional and non-traditional students. The successful applicant will develop and teach online and in-person...

Kieran Muir

24 Young Geospatial Professionals to Watch in 2024 Company: Vexcel ImagingCurrent position: Support engineerAge: 31Education: Some college for electrical engineering Muir’s journey to Vexcel Imaging was marked by a remarkable blend of determination, hands-on experience, and a deep passion for technology. Starting his professional life earlier than most, Muir ventured into maintenance roles at grain...

Surveyor or Engineer – What’s the Difference?

Sponsored by Geomax’ X-Pad Field software designed for today’s surveyors.  There have been many instances during my long career as a surveyor that someone has referred to me as an engineer. I would usually feign an attitude of being insulted and explain that even though I had to work with those guys, I was not...