Tag Archives: digital twins

Utility Management Vegetation
Managing vegetation around America’s electric transmission and distribution infrastructure is crucial for ensuring uninterrupted power delivery. Utility Vegetation Management (UVM) is highly complex and represents a significant cost burden on utility operations and maintenance (O&M) budgets. This includes essential tasks such as tree trimming near power lines, which are critical for service reliability, grid resiliency,...

Rolling Along Virtual Highways
Urban mobility in Europe gets a much-needed boost as cities develop digital twins for their road networks

New Digital World Needs Data
Next-generation surveyors require specialized education and training to fill the role of geospatial data specialists. Many emerging geospatial applications, such as digital twins, 3D modeling, monitoring, virtual reality, and autonomous vehicles, are based on big digital datasets. Building a 3D digital world starts with accurate data that ties to a point on the ground, so...

UAVs and Living Data
Digital twins are becoming important data for buildings and infrastructure in cities, but a utility in Chile is twinning its power corridors and adding seemingly unrelated data to identify, predict, and avoid power outages. We live in an era of combining technologies. For the past few decades, we have witnessed the most impressive movement of...

Digital Twins Concept in a World Ruled by GIS
Digital twins bring together elements of the geospatial professions, resulting in smart cities of the future The concept of digital twins is not new in manufacturing and mechanical processes that can be monitored and, if necessary, rectified. But what is a digital twin? A digital twin is a computer-generated exact replica of a physical object...

Keith Bentley on Digital Twins
As digital twins advance beyond BIM and GIS, what do you need to know? Bentley Systems’ founder Keith Bentley offers insights and advice for engaging in this growing field of solutions. Image above: Singapore, recognized as a global leader in infrastructure design and development, was the venue for the Bentley Year in Infrastructure 2019 event....