Tag Archives: digital

Revolutionizing Reality Capture
Imagine a world where intricate historical artifacts are meticulously preserved in digital detail, construction sites utilize 3D scans to eliminate costly errors before they happen, and filmmakers can transport audiences to breathtaking virtual environments with a click.

Open for Business
A newly approved international standard may just be the key to help speed up the construction sector’s digital transformation–starting by making BIM data format accessible.

How Our Continent Drains
Robert Szucs is a digital cartographer turned artist who saw the potential to turn nature’s patterns into contemporary artwork. This ocean drainage map was a months-long project, that included “a ton of manual work,” including cleaning data, figuring out how to categorize millions of lines into a handful of ocean drainages, and then zooming in...

Cool School
Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies Editor’s note: The name, “Siberia” evokes visions of a vast, cold, and perhaps foreboding place. Vast, yes, but also beautiful, steeped with fascinating history and resources and home to a diverse population imbued with a pioneering spirit. To meet the demands for qualified surveyors for the region, a...