Tag Archives: Coordinated Campus

GIS in Higher Education
Given this column’s theme of the coordinated campus and educational implications for the GIS professional community, it seems fitting to ask: If you went to a postsecondary school, did you take a course in GIS? For more people than ever before, the answer is “yes.” GIS has long been a part of institutions of higher...

GIS in K-12
Above: Middle school students collect macroinvertebrates in Rocky Mountain National Park. The data will be mapped and analyzed using a GIS. Credit: Joseph Kerski. Where did you first learn about GIS? Was it in a course at a university or a community college? Were you an undergraduate or graduate student? Was it at a conference,...

From the Coordinated Campus In a rapidly changing field such as geotechnologies, education is an ongoing concern and rightly so: if we are not lifelong learners, we won’t last long in this industry. But I contend that we as geospatial professionals also need to be aware of and provide leadership in larger geospatial education trends...