Tag Archives: construction

Luke Johnson
23 Young Geospatial Professionals to Watch in 2023 – 23 of 23 Name: Luke JohnsonCompany: Trimble, Inc. Current position: Technical Product ManagerAge: 27 Education: BS, Otago University, New Zealand After graduating, Johnson joined Trimble as an application specialist in 2018, testing and working on new features for Trimble Access, a survey field software. Wanting to immerse...

Derek Abernethy
23 Young Geospatial Professionals to Watch in 2023 – 10 of 23 Name: Derek AbernethyCompany: Trimble, Inc.Current position: Software product manager, vertical construction applicationsAge: 26 Education: BS in Engineering with honors, York University in Toronto, Ontario Abernethy’s work experience prior to entering the geospatial industry was in heavy civil and house construction where he...

In the Red
Thermal imagery helps reveal building heat loss Dr. Geoffrey Hay envisioned a solution for an invisible problem in a few milliseconds. Hay, a GIScience professor at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada, was perplexed by his higher-than-expected heat bills after moving into his new, modern home that was equipped with “energy-efficient everything.” It was...

Rules of Construction
Legal Boundaries What are the Rules of Construction, and why do we need to know about them? The Rules of Construction are court-made rules that have been developed over the centuries for the interpretation of legal documents. The courts use them when the interpretation of a document is confusing, uncertain, ambiguous, or in conflict. The...

xyHt Weekly News Links: 12/09/2022
Web Mapping to Support the National Forest’s 25-year Vision Testing Lidar Technology on a Real-world Rail System in Canada FARO Acquires Lidar Software Innovator SiteScape CON/EXPO-CXON/AG to be the Biggest Trade Show in History Leica Geosystems Launches Versatile Construction Smart Antenna CHC Navigaiton Launches New Version Landstar Field Data Collection Software More than 165 Exhibitors...

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 03/25/2022
Congress Passes Act to Modernize Access to our Public Land NSPS Virtual Day on the Hill is March 30 Qualcomm and Trimble Introduce Meter-Level Location Accuracy for Smartphones ProStar Announces Trimble Integration of PointMan for Apple iOS University of Plymouth and Sonardyne Advance Development of Marine Monitoring Technology JOIN and DMP to Create High-Definition Map...