Tag Archives: construction

Bridge Watchers
Smart sensors and satellites are being used to actively monitor bridges and large infrastructures. With eyes in the sky and ears on the ground, can this new technology improve public safety? Despite what the lyrics of the popular English nursery rhyme may have our young ones believe, the London Bridge has actually never fallen down. ...

Construction on the Move
Looking Forward From the very first construction project (possibly the addition of an extra room on to a Neanderthal cave) until the late 20th century, construction technology moved at a glacial pace. But in the last few decades, especially the last decade, innovation has taken off. And if you think the changes in the most...

Legal Boundaries: Deed Interpretation
Last time around we discussed the Rules of Construction, court-made rules for the interpretation of written documents when they are confusing, uncertain, ambiguous, or in conflict. Piggybacking that discussion, this time around we will talk about some basic deed interpretation, which often requires application of the rules of construction. The three primary forms of deeds...

Safety Underground
Prostar and KCI Technologies look beneath the surface to save time and money The devil is in the details of any construction project, but those involving work close to underground utilities can be the most dangerous. Nearly missing or even sometimes striking utility lines is a common occurrence across the nation and was a regular...

Disruptive Lidar Tech
Technologies developed for autonomy and consumer applications are opening up new user segments and rewriting conventional workflows A construction inspector sweeps their phone over an open trench creating a 3D as-built of the utilities within. This is just one example of low-cost, rapid, simplified reality capture is challenging conventional wisdom on how reality capture should...

Geospatial Markets 2023
With a declining housing market and a possible recession, where are the opportunities in 2023? If you follow the news at all it’s been hard to escape the media drumbeat of “recession next year.” How deep will it be and how long it will last seem to be the only topics up for discussion. Predictions...