Tag Archives: conferences

A Geomatics Expo You Should Consider Attending
This October, one of my favorite geomatics events (anywhere) returns. Great track sessions, panels, keynotes, exhibits, a career fair… and fun. The inaugural GoGeomatics Expo, held in November of 2023 in Calgary, Alberta Canada exceeded expectations for attendance, participation, exhibitors, and topical tracks. Coming again this October 28-30 to the same venue in Calgary, this...

Lemons, Lemonade, and Learning: Using Internet Resources During Distancing Downtime
In addition to working on this newsletter and serving as the editor of xyHt’s Located section, I help other clients with freelance work. My main client is a builder/developer and thanks to the current economic climate, I’m experiencing some downtime due to building projects being delayed. I suspect I’m not alone in experiencing this. As...

GEO Business 2018: “Geocoolness” in the London Heat
Trends in geomatics tech and spatial IT at the UK’s premier annual geo conference and exhibition Editor’s Note: GEO Business is an annual conference held annually in London. xyHt’s Europe editor, Nick Duggan has been attending each year, chronicling trends in the geo industry. The event is growing into one of the premier geo events...