Tag Archives: bathymetry

xyHt News Links: 3/11/16
Trimble 4D Control Software Supports IBIS-FM Radar Device for Slope Stability and Structural Monitoring in Mining TerraGo Launches On-Demand Solution for Mobile Forms, Inspections and Surveys Topcon announces new geodetic antenna Maptek modelling and exploration technology on show at PDAC Teledyne Optech Press Release: Innovative solutions for bathymetry at Oceanology International 2016 3DR collaborates with...

Mapping the Scottish Seabed
Six companies collaborate on a project to bury fiber optic cables under the Scottish seabed, stitching segments using hydrography, bathymetry, and surveying. On land, surveyors face challenges due to rough terrain, human activity, weather, and more. Usually, however, the ground beneath their tripods doesn’t move, they can physically occupy positions, and the air between them...

From Shore to Floor
Today’s technology records depth from land to deep waters accurately and efficiently. More than 90% of the world’s trade is carried by sea, according to the International Maritime Organization. Therefore, accurate and up-to-date charts of coastal waters for ship navigation are vital for world commerce. The current expansion of the Panama Canal, which will double...