Pangaea Archives

UAS Surveying without GCPs

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This entry is part 49 of 80 in the series Pangaea

The subject of applying direct georeferencing to UAS platforms was a recurrent theme at the 2016 Commercial UAV Expo last week. Direct georeferencing offers the possibility of mapping without the use of ground control points, providing UAS operators a significant advantage in terms of speed. As an example of this technology, we reached out to […]

UAS Crystal Ball 2017

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This entry is part 50 of 80 in the series Pangaea

Four things to watch for in the UAS space next year. Regulation: I just made up an acronym—“GBVLOS”—Getting beyond visual line of sight. With the rollout of the FAA’s Rule 107 allowing sUAS into the NAS for commercial work, the profession breathed a sigh of relief. Issues still remain, though: namely exemptions for BVLOS. So […]

Pangaea Looks Back at 2016

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This entry is part 52 of 80 in the series Pangaea

Undoubtedly, for me the most notable event of 2016 (in the geospatial world) was the FAA’s Rule 107 allowing sUAS to be used in the NAS for commercial work. No more Section 333 exemptions. (Well, for merely flying, anyway; if you want to go beyond the restrictions of 107, you’ll still need to file for […]

Market Opportunities for Geospatial in 2017

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This entry is part 53 of 80 in the series Pangaea

Construction Prospects, Part One As we start a new year, it seems only fitting to take a look at what 2017 might hold in store for us. Let’s start with construction: a major source of income for the geospatial profession. Dodge Data & Analytics publishes all types of data for the North American commercial and […]

UAS: It’s Unstoppable and Headed Your Way

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This entry is part 54 of 80 in the series Pangaea

From time to time I like to stop and think about the mission of Pangaea and explain that mission to you. My task is exposing you to new, emerging geospatial technologies. But why bother? Here’s a little analogy I thought of to help explain why keeping abreast of new geospatial tech is critical. Imagine emerging […]

Treasure Hunting with Geospatial Tech: Part One

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This entry is part 55 of 80 in the series Pangaea

Geospatial tech is increasingly being called upon in the search for treasure. Let’s look at some examples, and maybe you, too, could discover hidden riches! Pangaea #155 As the wind keens and the snow piles up outside my door I retreat into my cozy home for some arm-chair treasure hunting. I start with the Travel Channel’s […]