Pangaea Archives

Top of the Crop: Best of Pangaea 2015

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This entry is part 43 of 80 in the series Pangaea

As we end the year 2015, it’s interesting and informative to look back and see what you, our readers, found most interesting. Using metrics gleaned from our newsletter platform, I picked the top five issues for… Best of Pangaea 2015 Surprising UAS Section 333 Exemptions UAS continue to be a hot topic as the FAA […]

Underwater Drones Search for Czar’s Lost Treasure

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This entry is part 44 of 80 in the series Pangaea

Continuing with our series (part one and part two) on the role that geospatial technology plays in treasure hunting, we come to the mysterious tale of the RMS Republic. Launched in 1903, the Republic was a part of the White Star Line, and, foreshadowing its sister-ship the Titanic, it sank six years later, 50 miles […]

The Future of Treasure Hunting: Part One

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This entry is part 45 of 80 in the series Pangaea

We continue this series on treasure hunting with geospatial tools by taking a peek at what the future may hold for seekers of undersea hidden treasure. The tale of Mel Fisher and his hunt for the “Nuestra Senora de Atocha” illustrates the difficulties of undersea treasure hunting. The Atocha was the most famous ship of […]

UAS Insurance and Marketing

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This entry is part 46 of 80 in the series Pangaea

Final in the series, “Adopting UAS Technology” At first glance, UAS insurance and marketing seem unrelated, yet both are critical to the success or failure of your firm’s adoption of UAS technology. Insurance is critical because just one accident and the attendant liability can put you out of business. Additionally, your clients will want you […]

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Mars Colonization: Mars Needs Surveyors!

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This entry is part 47 of 80 in the series Pangaea

Elon Musk’s plan to make us a space-faring and multi-planetary species will provide another planet to survey. Late last month, SpaceX’s founder Elon Musk unveiled his plan to start Mars colonization by 2025. Musk believes passionately that for humankind to survive in the long run, we must become a space-faring and multi-planetary species. Sooner or later, […]

Mars Colonization: Mars Need Surveyors, Part Two

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This entry is part 48 of 80 in the series Pangaea

This is Part 2 of our Mars Needs Surveyors series from the Pangaea newsletter.  Part 1 is here.  As the dream of Mars colonization comes to fruition, what would surveyors be tasked with? Habitat construction SpaceX’s Elon Musk’s vision is to build a city on Mars (appropriately named SpaceX City) that would eventually be inhabited […]