Pangaea Archives

Back to the Moon? Or—Straight on to Mars?

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This entry is part 37 of 80 in the series Pangaea

Editor’s note: at xyHt and Pangaea we’ve been adding “geo-space-al” content into our geospatial mix, and readers have been responding positively. Surveying on Mars is a great example. When you think about it, geospatial technology and space are inextricably intertwined; from GNSS to satellite-based remote sensing, we rely on space-based technology to tackle almost every […]

Back to Dinosaur Ridge

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This entry is part 38 of 80 in the series Pangaea

Close-range 3D photogrammetry solves mystery of 100-million-year-old dinosaur tracks. Back in the summer of 2014, I visited Dinosaur Ridge, just west of Denver, Colorado, as part of a demonstration of close-range photogrammetry given by CAE Mining, which uses the technology in its volumetric mine site analysis software. Dinosaur Ridge has become one of the world’s […]

Will You Be Replaced by a Robot?

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This entry is part 39 of 80 in the series Pangaea

It’s difficult to open a magazine or look at a news site on the internet and not run across the “robots are going to take your job” theme. So, I’ve been doing a bit of reading on the subject, and I’ve come up with some very basic criteria for determining if your job may be […]

UAS Survey of the Great Sand Dunes

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This entry is part 40 of 80 in the series Pangaea

The Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve is located in South Central Colorado and contains the tallest dunes in North America, spread across 30 square miles. It is an amazing destination, one that I first visited when I was 18 years old and have re-visited innumerable times since; I simply never tire of its […]

Buying a Drone for the Holidays?

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This entry is part 41 of 80 in the series Pangaea

Friends know of my interest in unmanned aerial systems, so they ask me, “What kind of drone should I buy for Christmas?” I probe a little further to define what their “use case” is. It usually boils down to two categories. 1) For the kids: Cheap. If you’re looking for a toy drone to have […]

Spatial Networking for Fun and Profit

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This entry is part 42 of 80 in the series Pangaea

Recently I attended a UAV event in my area (watch for the July issue of xyHt for more) that got me thinking about the role of networking in our profession. Not RTK, CORS, or even WANs or LANs, but person-to-person networking. Networking for fun. Meeting new people in the geospatial profession (and especially those interested […]