Pangaea (pan-jee-uh) is an e-newsletter named after the supercontinent from which our seven continents were formed. For us Pangaea is a unifying icon for converging geospatial technologies: exciting new advances in surveying, GIS, laser scanning, photogrammetry, and hydrographics, UAVs, and more.
As we witness technologies emerge, we cover how they are combining in new ways to yield faster turnarounds, new value-added services, and enhanced performance for those of us in geospatial fields.
Pangaea covers these issues (and more) delivered directly to your inbox twice a month.
Click here to subscribe to our emailed newsletters. To subscribe to the print magazine as well, click in the toolbar above.
Send your editorial ideas to Pangaea editor Jeff Salmon (jeff dot salmon at xyht dot com).
If you’re interested in sponsoring one or more issues of Pangaea, please email Chuck Boteler (chuck dot boteler at xyHt dot com).
Below are the recent issues of Pangaea: