xyHt Magazine Heights 2019 Issue

Click on the cover below to view the Heights 2019 issue of xyHt magazine. Articles in the issue include (links will turn live throughout April):

  • Mapping Alaska with IFSAR – A group of companies overcomes Alaska’s many mapping problems using coordinated teamwork and IFSAR.
  • Airports GIS – The history and complexities of AGIS from the expertise of a small aerial mapping company.
  • Mobile Mapping Evolves –  Lidar systems and sensors must be designed and adapted to meet these changing requirements.
  • Nighttime Imaging – An airport-mapping project indicates that a new set of applications may soon be served with airborne imagery collected under low-light and nighttime conditions. 
  • Point Clouds for Water Conservation – A project to identify and quantify irrigated landscapes in Las Vegas demonstrates the advantages of using lidar to save precious natural resources.
  • UAS + Lidar = “X-ray” Vision – A construction/survey project proves that UAS-borne lidar can penetrate tree cover to yield accurate ground data with improved post-processing times compared to photogrammetric solutions.

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