xyHt Digital Magazine: July 2022

xyHt’s July issue focuses on Geographic Information systems, looking at how GIS helps surveyors improve accuracy and how GIS is the technology for the next era.

As always, if you don’t have a subscription to our print edition, or if someone else in the office has snaffled your copy, don’t fret, here is the digital edition. Click here or on the cover to the right, to view the July 2022 issue of xyHt magazine; or better yet, click here to have us send you a free copy of the print issue.

Here are some highlights:

The Quest for Accuracy: A land surveyor unpacks the need for accuracy and the drive to get there.

Repositioning GIS: Geographic information systems have become the nervous system of the planet and the technology that will drive the next era.

Open Source Software: Open-source software is attractive because it costs nothing, however, users need support for open- source software, and that is where commercial companies offering support come in.

NextGen 911: The complex system of emergency call routing and critical location data delivery is getting a makeover.

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