xyHt Digital Magazine: February 2022

Like a good surveyor, xyHt‘s February issue covers a lot of ground, bringing you stories about surveying, lidar, legal issues and, this month’s special, a look at how modern scanning technologies are helping to preserve the past.

As always, if you don’t have a subscription to our print edition, or if someone else in the office has snaffled your copy, don’t fret, here is the digital edition. Click here or on the cover to the right, to view the February 2022 issue of xyHt magazine; or better yet, click here to have us send you a free copy of the print issue.

Here are some highlights:

Can Modern Scanning Save Our Past? Preserving heritage sites and objects is a race against time and elements. But thanks to scanning technologies, experts are now more confident humanity’s cultural legacy can be saved.

NSPS’ Tim Burch Era: Tim Burch, newly appointed executive director of NSPS, sits down for a question and answer session with xyHt.

Dis-Located: You know those straight-line states in the West—Utah, Colorado, Wyoming—well, look closely and you’ll see they are anything but straight.

Subsurface Utility Engineering is Growing: Millions of miles of underground utilities provide U.S. communities with vital services but can be dangerous when not mapped properly and located prior to new construction projects.

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